This is the first release of a contextual menu for BeHierarchic.
You need to have a PowerMacintosh and OS8.
How to install:
1) BeHierarchic itself must be in the Control Panels folder.
2) Drop this plugin onto your system folder and let it be placed into the 'Contextual Menu Items' folder.
3) restart your Mac.
In the Finder, when you select some items, and click with control key down, you will see a 'BeHierarchic' itme in the contextual menu.
A sub menu shows the special folders of BeHierarchic followed by the selected items. You can navigate in the menus like in the Apple Menu to open one item.
If an error occured uring the built of the submenus (e.g. low memory, ...), you will see a small menu with the text 'Sorry, an error occured'
I am working on a version 1.1 which will allows you to 'drag' the selected items into the hierarchy to copy, move or make alias of the selected items. I am sorry, but it was still too unstable to include it with BeHierarchic 3.1
In the meantime, if you don't want this plugin, simply remove it from the 'Contextual Menu Items' folder and restart.